What Risk? Nuke Em Again Dutton…Part 2 – ConspiracyOz

The Coalition’s nuclear power plan misses one key component_ the cost

19th June 2024

More than 90 per cent of coal power – the backbone of the power grid that’s producing about 60 per cent of our electricity today – is set to be phased out in the next 10 years.

The Coalition is looking to build five large-scale reactors and two small modular reactors (SMRs), which according to the CSIRO would be even more expensive (mainly because it’s new technology that’s still being developed).

But because they’ll be located on the site of end-of-life coal-fired power stations, there’d be no need for the new network of transmission lines that’s central to Labor’s plan.

Dutton has said a Coalition government would own these nuclear power stations “but form partnerships with experienced nuclear companies to build and operate them”.

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What Risk? Nuke Em Dutton – ConspiracyOz


Enhancing Nuclear Power Production with Artificial Intelligence

September, 2023

While generative AI can help with administrative tasks, as in other industries, its use in operating nuclear power plants (NPPs) is not yet possible due to its novelty and opaqueness; it is not yet entirely understood how artificial networks function and come to conclusions. More transparent systems called explainable generative AI hold promise for broader use in NPP operations. Developments towards such AI are underway, and Renshaw is confident that, when realized, it will allow for the use of AI in NPPs in the foreseeable future.

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DeepMind Has Trained an AI to Control Nuclear Fusion

Feb 16, 2022

This isn’t the first time artificial intelligence has been used to try to control nuclear fusion. Since 2014, Google has been working with California-based fusion company TAE Technologies to apply machine learning to a different type of fusion reactor—speeding up the analysis of experimental data. Research at the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion project in the UK has used AI to try to predict the behavior of plasma. The concept even appears in fiction: In 2004’s Spider-Man 2, villain Doc Ock creates an AI-powered, brain-controlled exoskeleton to control his experimental fusion reactor, which works great until the AI takes over his mind and starts killing people.

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Researchers use AI to stabilise nuclear fusion reactions

28 February 2024

A team comprising engineers, physicists, and data scientists from Princeton University and the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to predict and avoid the formation of a specific plasma problem in real time.

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Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Stability

January 16, 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Stability


AI must not control nuclear weapons, US State Department urges China and Russia

May 3, 2024

Paul Dean, a United States official in the State Department, asked China and Russia to declare that only humans – and not artificial intelligence (AI) – will make decisions on deploying nuclear weapons. Officials in China and Russia have not immediately issued a comment. A dizzying array of AI-assisted tools is under development or already in use in the defence sector.

NATO Review – Should artificial intelligence be banned from nuclear weapons systems

12 April 2024

When people think of AI in the context of nuclear weapons, they may imagine something like the Skynet system from the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day. In the film, Skynet becomes self-aware and launches a massive global nuclear strike.

Perhaps they think of the 1983 film WarGames and its artificial intelligence system, known as WOPR, or even more niche cinema, like the 1970 film Colossus: The Forbin Project. These films, released in each of the last three decades of the Cold War, depict AI systems capable of independent thought — what is sometimes referred to as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The danger they portray is that systems capable of independent thought would be capable of independent objectives and ulterior motives.

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AI and Nukes An unimaginable threat Decoding dangers of the Doomsday Algorithm

4th May 2024

The ultimate threat: Artificial Intelligence and the nuclear conundrum. When researchers pitted AI programs from leading tech companies against each other in simulated conflicts.

The results were unsettling: The AI models displayed a disturbingly aggressive tendency, readily initiating arms races, deploying nuclear weapons. Watch the next story on why us is warning that only humans should control the nuclear weapons.


Altman-backed Oklo nuclear facility ramps up as AI industry looks to add energy sources

8th March 2024

“If you were to integrate large language models, GPT-style models into search engines, it’s going to cost five times as much environmentally as standard search,” said Sarah Myers West, managing director of the AI Now Institute, a research group focused on the social impacts of AI. At current growth rates, some new AI servers could soon gobble up more than 85 terawatt hours of electricity each year, researchers have estimated — more than some small nations’ annual energy consumption.

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Nuclear AI Pioneering the Future of Nuclear Technology

27 November 2023

  • Ethical and legal dilemmas: The misuse of AI in the nuclear domain raises ethical questions about the responsibility and accountability for potential catastrophic events caused by AI decisions. It could also lead to legal challenges regarding liability and culpability.
  • Environmental devastation: Nuclear accidents caused by AI misuse could lead to long-lasting environmental contamination and damage to ecosystems, affecting the health and well-being of future generations.

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Posted on June 19, 2024, in ConspiracyOz Posts. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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